Kapodistriou 32, 104 32, Athens
Monday-Friday: 09:00 to 17:00
Online Appointment
Kapodistriou 32, 104 32, Athens
Monday-Friday: 09:00 to 17:00


Rodenticide Services

The solution to your problem is not just about the current situation. We relieve you of unwanted rodents and prevent their future visits by turning your space into a controlled and shielded one.

Rodents, except for a few species (beaver, capybara) are medium to small in size. Their dental system does not have fangs, but they do have a pair of incisors on the front of their jaws. These insicors grow non-stop, but also wear out constantly. In order to wear out their teeth properly, rodents constantly gnaw not only on their food, but also on all animal, plant and mineral matter. Rodents have a highly developed the instinct of residence. Most dig the ground to inhabit and store their food. At the beginning of winter, their stores are overflowing with seeds, fruits and roots. Their homes are often masterfully made. They have an unlimited appetite and eat uninterruptedly. The fertility of rodents is distinctive.


The solution to your problem is not just about the current situation. We relieve you of unwanted rodents and prevent their future visits by turning your space into a controlled and shielded one.

Rodents, except for a few species (beaver, capybara) are medium to small in size. Their dental system does not have fangs, but they do have a pair of incisors on the front of their jaws. These insicors grow non-stop, but also wear out constantly. In order to wear out their teeth properly, rodents constantly gnaw not only on their food, but also on all animal, plant and mineral matter. Rodents have a highly developed the instinct of residence. Most dig the ground to inhabit and store their food. At the beginning of winter, their stores are overflowing with seeds, fruits and roots. Their homes are often masterfully made. They have an unlimited appetite and eat uninterruptedly. The fertility of rodents is distinctive.

Rat Species

The rat is a mammal that belongs to the class of rodents. It looks like a mouse, but it easily stands out due to its larger size. It has a cylindrical body, short and thick snout, small ears, long tail with sparse hair.

Rats give birth 6-8 times a year to 4-6 young. There are about 400 species of rats, distributed in Europe, Asia and the northern American continent.

Rat: feeds mainly on plants and causes great damage to crops .

Hersovios rat:  is also known as the amphibian rat because it likes to live near swamps.

Pet rat: From the end of the 19th century, the common brown rat (Rattus norvegicus – Norwegian rat) began to be bred as a pet. The behavior of the domestic rat differs in several respects from that of the wild Rattus norvegicus. The former react less to noise and light, are less reluctant to choose their food and have a longer lifespan (usually 2 to 2.5 years). This is due to better living conditions, lack of predators, and the availability of food and water. Also, another notable difference between domesticated and wild rats is their attitude towards humans. Although it is in the nature of the rat to avoid humans, like any larger animal, the tame rat is capable of developing relationships with them. A common misconception about domestic rats is that they transmit diseases to humans. Although they are associated with the spread of the plague due to the parasites they transmitted, it is known that the domestic rat does not transmit any infectious disease to humans unless it comes in contact with it. In fact, it is just as safe as other pets, such as dogs and cats.

The black rat (Rattus rattus) is a rodent of the genus Rattus (rat) in the Murinae subfamily.

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