Fly Disinfestation Services
It can reproduce with great ease, both because of its ability to lay eggs inside any decomposing biological material, and because of the speed at which larvae develop into adults, in turn capable of reproducing. : about 10 days. Its shelf life under excellent nutritional and environmental conditions is 8-10 days, during which it can lay up to 1000 eggs (150-200 at a time every 3-4 days). The adult insect uses it to feed on proboscis. Solid foods are sprinkled with saliva to dissolve and then sucked out of the proboscis. These insects can only fly a few kilometers from where they were born. They are active only during the day and rest at night in the corners of rooms or on the ceilings.
In colder climates, flies survive only if they coexist with humans.
In poorer countries, under poor health, flies are among the main carriers of the disease.
Houseflies feed on liquids or semi-liquids in addition to solid organic materials pre-treated with saliva or vomit of. Due to the large amount of food it consumes daily, it leaves feces almost constantly, and this is one of the factors that makes this insect a carrier of harmful pathogens.
The house fly is 6-8 mm long, with the female is larger than the male. The two sexes can be distinguished by observing the space between the eyes, where in the female it is twice as wide as in the male.
The domestic fly goes through four stages in its life cycle:
egg – larva – chrysalis – perfect insect.
The female lays from 75 to 150 eggs while during her life she can lay 5-6 generations in several days.
The house fly feeds with the same ease and without discrimination from human food as well as from impurities. Only liquid food can be accepted, so it removes drops of liquid from its stomach to liquefy solid food, and while feeding, it leaves its feces on the food.
Due to its construction, the fly is adapted to transport microorganisms, the number of which exceeds 1,000,000.
They are capable of carrying over 100 pathogens, which are responsible for diseases such as: Typhoon, Cholera, Salmonella, Sigelosis, Coal, Eye infections, Endoparasitic worms.
Disinfestation NowFly
The fly is adapted to carry microorganisms, the number of which exceeds 1,000,000.
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Είναι ικανές να μεταφέρουν πάνω από 100 παθογόνους παράγοντες οι οποίοι είναι υπεύθυνοι για ασθένειες όπως: Τύφο, Χολέρα, Σαλμονέλα, Σιγκέλωση, Άνθρακα, μολύνσεις των ματιών, ενδοπαρασιτικούς σκώληκες.
Απεντόμωση ΤώραΜύγα
Η μύγα είναι προσαρμοσμένη για να μεταφέρει μικροοργανισμούς, ο αριθμός των οποίων ξεπερνά το 1.000.000.